Google Maps

Make smart, informed decisions by searching for candidates in proximity to a job location.

Visit the Google Maps Website Configure Account

Adding Google Maps also lets you:

  • Quickly find replacement candidates close to a job
  • Easily manage on-site visits with the ability to view the locations of parent companies, clients and cost centres
  • Make it easier for candidates by including a map of job location in emails and SMS messages

App Details

Pre-requisite: None.
Cost: Free to all customers.
Setup: We will set this up as part of your project implementation.
Support: Log a request with FastTrack’s Customer Service via the online portal here.
Access: This add-on app will install right into your FastTrack360.

How it works

Click on the Show Map action to view the Google Map location from address items within Recruitment Manger. This includes:

  • Parent Record – Main Address, Mailing Address
  • Client Record – Main Address, Mailing Address
  • Cost Centre Record – Main Address, Mailing Address
  • Client Contact Record – Address
  • Candidate Record – Actual Address, Mailing Address, Diary Filled Job Flyout ‘Location’ item
  • Client Portal – Job List ‘Location’, Main Address
  • Candidate Portal – Job List ‘Location’, Diary Filled Job Flyout ‘Location’ item
  • Job Order – Location and Merge Tag for ‘Location’. Where the Merge Tag is applied to an Email this item will evoke a Google Map on selection.
  • Job Order – Search Available Candidate. On selection the system will evoke a Google Map search to return result for all Candidate ‘Actual Address’ in proximity of the ‘Job Location’.  The Google Map result will present the Job Location as a central item to the Candidate’s Actual Addresses to assist the user to identify which Candidates are closer to the Job Location.

How to get setup

Google Maps will be set up for you as part of your project implementation, at no additional cost.

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