More Than Recruitment Software for Online Timesheets, Payroll, and Billing

Beyond fast and accurate payroll, FastTrack360 Back Office software gives you a powerful recruitment platform to seamlessly capture timesheets online so you can pay your candidates in minutes, not days – or complete your entire weekly client invoice batch in just six clicks. Imagine turning your pay days into pay minutes.

FastTrack360 Back Office delivers you faster, more accurate online timesheets, payroll and client billing to help you generate the cash flow you need to grow.

Imagine an 85% reduction in time spent on interpreting awards. FastTrack360 Back Office does that. Recruitment payroll functions are among the most involved, time-consuming and time critical functions in any staffing business. Only ruthless efficiency gets your candidates paid and clients billed correctly… and on time.

Without the risk of error or unnecessary double handling, FastTrack360 delivers you recruitment payroll and invoicing accuracy with smart tools to streamline workflows for better business performance. A single Time, Pay, Bill software solution, FastTrack360 Back Office is highly configurable to let you deliver business your way – and get results sooner for you, and your clients.

Payslips, job agreement rates and candidate portal payslips for FastTrack360 timesheet, payroll and billing software

“FastTrack showed that they knew our business and were able to provide a single recruitment system that managed both payroll and billing with automated data flow”

Have an existing recruitment CRM, front office, or Applicant Tracking System (ATS)?

Connect and create more possibilities. The unique 360Connect technology seamlessly integrates FastTrack360 Back Office software with your existing recruitment CRM, front office or applicant tracking system (ATS) to help you consolidate and grow. FastTrack’s unique 360Connect boosts your existing recruitment CRM software by seamlessly integrating online timesheets, payroll and billing. Simplify your whole business with a single synchronised recruitment software platform.

Product Features

FastTrack360 Back Office, a unified recruitment payroll and billing solution

You have more ways to improve your cash flow by efficiently and accurately paying candidates and invoicing clients. Plus, with more advanced functionality as standard you can maximise your return on investment:

Unlimited scalability with highly configurable payroll & billing software

  • Pay and bill the way you want by designing your organisational hierarchy to group workforces by Country, Brand, Client or individual Payee requirements
  • Improve recruitment payroll accuracy with seamless dataflow from client engagement and placement to online timesheet approvals, paying candidates and billing clients
  • Flexible client hierarchies and debtor structures to suit your varied business and client needs
  • Manage an unlimited number of Pay and Bill Agreements with one system – 1 to 3,000+!

Exact, easy online timesheet management

  • Capture time easily and accurately using online and mobile timesheet capture for candidates and clients on the go
  • Automate timesheets with job schedules for greater accuracy, with less manual handling, errors or duplication
  • Save time with automated online timesheet submission, approval workflows and alerts (with one or many approvers)
  • Options to split timesheets by project or cost codes so you can invoice your clients the way they want
  • Easily import external timesheet files in one click!

Fast, accurate rates & rules engine for smarter payroll

  • Process recruitment payroll faster with the power of FastTrack360, which instantly interprets timesheets across thousands of modern awards and agreements, from master award to individual contracts
  • One global recruitment payroll and billing software to run your business now or in the future with net pay compliance in ANZ and UK and gross wage management globally
  • Ensure compliance with tax and superannuation accuracy and remove manual handling or duplication

Fast, flexible online payroll and billing tools

  • Low maintenance with easy to update rates that flow to all levels of agreements
  • Design your own payslips and invoices to get your brand in-front of candidates and clients
  • Intuitive, easy to use recruitment payroll wizard
  • Increase cash flow with Bill-before-Pay options, so you can invoice clients before paying candidates
  • Automate Purchase Order Management with auto tracking and spend alerts to provide next-level client service
  • Invoice at any level to meet your client needs – grouping by debtor, job order, purchase order, cost centre or project code
  • Credit Rebill Wizard processes full credit and rebill in seconds saving you time
  • Exportable Debtor, Wage & Sales files for financial integration to your general ledger of choice
  • Reports & data library for accurate and faster reporting

How FastTrack360 software has helped customers

85% reduction in time spent on award interpretation 66% reduction in operating costs $1000s saved in printing costs 2 days saved per week with automated recruitment payroll 90% reduction in payroll errors 1 click to approve 50 online timesheets 150,000+ payslips are processed by FastTrack360 every week 2,000+ awards interpreted in one instance 17M+ invoices created annually
Business Tools

Even more tools to help you perform

Get even more out of your Back Office software with tools that drive productivity. FastTrack360 Back Office lets you streamline tasks and get your business working harder, with more tools to improve how you perform each day.

Quick Timesheet Links

In FastTrack360 send your candidates or clients directly to the relevant timesheet via SMS or email. Easy! Plus with automated reminders, get candidates to complete their timesheets faster so you can invoice clients sooner. To help your clients, you can also include a quick link to a bulk list of timesheets which they can then approve in just 2 clicks. Imagine the time you could save!

A screenshot of FastTrack360 end-to-end recruitment management's online client and candidate portals with online timesheet management.

Self-serve Portals

Connect faster and share information across your client and candidate networks with 24/7 access to the FastTrack360 online client and candidate portals with no added costs. Your own branded online portals sets you apart to makes communication and engagement seamless, providing next level service.

With the flexibility to show the data you want to clients or candidates, you can provide self-service to your candidates to manage their profile and availability, view applications and jobs, manage online timesheets, view payslips and apply for leave. Likewise, your clients can manage their profiles, view jobs, manage online timesheets, view invoices and more.

Online Recruitment Payroll & Billing Reports

Get payroll and billing reports out in real time and easily track how you’re performing with self-built reports or our growing library of ready-made reports to match your data needs. FastTrack360 Back Office software takes the work out of reporting so you can focus on cash flow.

360Connect Technology

FastTrack’s unique 360Connect technology integrates FastTrack360 Back Office seamlessly with your preferred recruitment CRM, front office or Applicant Tracking System (ATS), for an uninterrupted user experience. 360Connect gives you one recruitment software platform to connect your whole business.

With flexibility to design workflows and the highly configurable FastTrack360 Back Office that integrates with your existing front office, CRM or applicant tracking system (ATS) – 360Connect lets you consolidate and grow.

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