FastTrack360 and WorkPro join forces!

By using the new FastTrack360 custom section and action functionality, customers can now access WorkPro directly from within their FastTrack360 experience, rather than having to switch between the two platforms. There is no need to log into multiple systems to view screened candidates and status updates, send requests and monitor compliance. FastTrack now provides their clients with a streamlined process, within a single platform.

This means that staffing agencies can recruit, input timesheets, pay their workforce and bill clients, all from within FastTrack. It provides an end-to-end solution to problems that many agencies face. The partnership significantly enhances customer efficiency, time to hire and candidate transparency, while ensuring that legislative compliance requirements continue to be met.

CEO FastTrack David Page notes:

“Workforce compliance is a key challenge for many of our clients. WorkPro is today considered a recruitment industry standard, and with so many shared clients, the integration simply makes sense to drive a better user experience.”

“FastTrack360 offers a complete recruit, time, pay and bill cloud-hosted staffing platform. Our MarketPlace means we can now help customers add dedicated best-of-breed solutions to our core business platform, like WorkPro, so they can get even more out of their recruitment CRM.”

More from Tania Evans, WorkPro CEO:

“Partnering with thousands of customers across Australia and New Zealand, we have established ourselves as a workforce compliance innovator. Our commitment to the recruitment industry as a key sector means that we have assisted the industry to draw significant efficiencies, while driving a superior level of candidate screening, induction and compliance to some 2.5 million individuals since 2007.”

“The advances in technical interoperability now enables organisations to dictate and configure a sophisticated ‘talent experience’ and we have a clear focus on identifying and partnering with ‘best in class’ organisations and technology programs that drive a superior experience and business process efficiency.”

For further information about our partnership with WorkPro go to:

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