case study

OnSite Recruitment select a single 360 platform for growth

Onsite Recruitment are labour hire specialists for the industrial, transport and logistics sectors. Having identified a gap in the industrial recruitment market, the founders, with over 25 years recruitment experience, created a solution. Finance Manager, Ali Crawford, has been with the company for three years, and in that time has seen the business grow exponentially.

“In the last two years, we have more than doubled the number of hours we are running each week.”

With this growth OnSite Recruitment found that they had outgrown their previous software.

“What we were using wasn’t going to cut it if we’re going to grow this business.”

Ali Crawford

Finance Manager, OnSite Recruitment

The Challenge

Ali and her team were using an online recruitment tool and invoicing software.

“The two tools just didn’t have the functionality that we required. We needed something that would grow with us.”

Ali found that the business was struggling to manage the superannuation and PAYG summaries for all of her payees.

“The two major issues were with Super for us. Every quarter trying to process super and having to do it manually; pulling out a CSV file that didn’t have all the information in it. It was a lot of manual manipulation. Secondly, the PAYG summary that needed to be sent out, we had numerous issues.”

“People were just not receiving their payment summaries. We had lots to send out and 20% people didn’t end up getting them, and the other 80% received them anywhere from 2-30 times.”

“When we looked at the options, the main thing with the others was it wasn’t a 360 product, and that was what we liked. We wanted one system.”

Finding A Solution

Looking to avoid the hassle of constantly moving data between disparate systems, Ali had a comprehensive list of requirements, with demos from the three system providers.

“I had a massive list of ‘can it do this, can it do this, can it do this’ with things like online timesheets, can managers approve them themselves, and the interpretation.”

“When we looked at the options, the main thing with the others was it wasn’t a 360 product, and that was what we liked. We wanted one system.”

As part of the due diligence Ali also completed analysis of each providers pricing.

“To be absolutely truthful, we didn’t think FastTrack was in our price range. One of our director’s colleagues said ‘what don’t you try FastTrack, they’ve got a new system, their pricing structure is different’. When I ran the figures in comparison to another front office and separate payroll solution, I think the break-even was around the 2-3 year mark.

Their ongoing costs were higher, so we factored in changes in costs and increases over the years, and it worked out that it would be more beneficial to go with FastTrack over a 5-10 year period.”

Ali and the team also reviewed the customer support models.

“One of the main drivers from our past provider was the lack of service. FastTrack have quite a structured service portal, and there are certain timeframes you guarantee you’ll have things back. That was one of the main drivers – if we have an issue with FastTrack, it’s going to get sorted, and it’s going to get sorted quickly.”

OnSite Recruitment also valued the longevity of systems.

“We knew that FastTrack has been around for a long time, so we would take that to assume FastTrack would continue to be around for years to come, and looking to continually build the system. That’s what we wanted. It’s got a good name, and if you ask anyone about payroll systems, FastTrack is top of that list.”

"If you ask anyone about payroll systems, FastTrack is top of that list.”

The Results

While the project and change management was more than expected, Ali is now beginning to see some real benefits.

“I totally under-estimated the length of time, and the dedication needed for implementation. Tell you what, though, you guys have some phenomenal people in your team. Rob Sonogan, I sing his praises whenever I can, he’s an absolute gun.”

Post-implementation of FastTrack360, OnSite spend less time entering data manually, with the room to focus on taking care of high-level clients.

“Before FastTrack360, we would get a timesheet in on email, we’d print it off, we’d have our excel spreadsheet. Our process was quite manual. We’d have a spreadsheet of every client, and on that spreadsheet we’d put in how long people worked. We’d have an interpreter in the spreadsheet, and we’d then have to type into our payroll system how long each person worked.”

“Now with FastTrack360, we already have 3 or 4 clients on online timesheets, we know those interpretations are perfect, and we could get our payroll done on the Monday, so we have the cost and time down massively. We’re now able to do a lot more reviewing, and our key-in errors have massively decreased.”

Ali also had big issues with managing superannuation through a separate invoicing system.

“We would basically export a CSV file from our invoicing system, but it would never ever have all the information we needed – things would drop out. Now with FastTrack360, it’s a click of a button, uploaded into the system. Now it only takes me half an hour, instead of a whole day.”

Onsite Recruitment seem to run things “a lot better” and “a lot cleaner”, with reviews conducted on high-level accounts more frequently, rather than having to spend time on manually inputting information. Online timesheeting, super payments and more have been expedited, giving Ali more time to grow the business.

Ali says she would highly recommend FastTrack, to other agencies, given her experience so far.

“In a heartbeat. You guys have been fantastic.”

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