case study

JSB OH&S Recruitment find the right tool to achieve their goals

JSB OH&S Recruitment are stalwarts of the OH&S industry. Celebrating their 30th birthday in 2019, they are the leading providers of Occupational Health & Safety staff to the professional, corporate and industrial sectors across a range of specialist fields.

JSB OH&S Recruitment was started by a group of registered nurses who had experienced the coal-face of healthcare, often witnessing incidents that could have been prevented through safer workplace environments. Seeing a need to provide preventative health and wellbeing solutions, they now take a tailored approach to recruitment, ensuring that the personal needs of both clients and candidates are professionally catered for.

What prompted change?

Nicole and the team at JSB completed a strategic review of the business to identify where they wanted to grow and their roadblocks to success.

“We completed a full end-to-end review on how we could grow the business. Including whether the tools we had were the right ones to help us achieve our goals. We wanted to get more candidates through more efficiently and be able to easily scale our business.” Said Nicole.

Using an alternative product selected under 12-months ago, the JSB team had found their business was not able to meet their key recruitment operations – handling their high volume of temp and contract candidates.

“For months, I was working off the top of my head, trying to remember who was working at which site and who I had where previously, as we had no way of recording that at the time” explains Nicole.

“When we tried to get candidates into our previous system …it just broke. It didn’t work. When a client contacted us for new staff, it was all manual. We would manually work up a resume and manually send via email to the client.”

Solving the problem

Nicole reached out to FastTrack to see if there was a better solution  for her business.

“We had a great experience with Cam at FastTrack. He took us through the platform and how FastTrack360 would tailor and work for us.” Said Nicole.

“To be able to show how your software solves client’s problems is really important. Cam spent time finding out about us and our business, and then showed how FastTrack could help us save time on key scenarios we faced every day, which our current system couldn’t even cope with.”

“This even included how we could deal with our 5am phone calls efficiently!” elaborates Nicole.

“We signed then and there with the demo.”

The benefits

Nicole was relieved that FastTrack360 could both support their basic daily functions and also help the team be more efficient. This meant the team could direct their focus on candidate and client relationships to ultimately grow their business.

“Previously candidates emailed us resumes, which we would then manually enter into the system. And we weren’t including everything. It used to take us at least half an hour to create the resume to send out to the client. Now it happens automatically.” Said Nicole.

“Our very first parsing with the FastTrack360 registration page was perfect. It was just easy.”

In any business, these time savings quickly add-up. Half-an hour across consultants would easily turn into hours a week that can now be better spent on revenue generating activities.

The biggest fear of the team was having another bad and costly experience with a software vendor.

“FastTrack absolutely helped us, we were desperate. You can get sold on a promise, but the reality can be very different which you realise too late. It can be a very tough experience. It’s not just about the software, but also the people and partnership. We are happy with what we have found at FastTrack.”

“Our interactions with Cam and Fran have been fantastic. Really, really good. Fran is an integral part of it, because she has been able to tailor FastTrack360 to our business. She was also able to get us up and running quickly.”

Nicole is excited to see what is possible with her business and FastTrack360.

“We would absolutely recommend FastTrack360 to other agencies. It’s so easy. It really is a great program. It’s user friendly, it makes sense – it’s quick to find a candidate or clients – it’s all there for you.”

Nicole Celebic

General Manager, JSB Occupational Health and Safety

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