case study

FT Workforce upgrade their business to one platform

FT Workforce has a strong reputation in the recruitment and labour hire industry for having experienced consultants who understand the unique requirements of specific industry verticals. With seven office locations nationwide, FT Workforce handle the tasks of recruiting the right people for projects so their clients are able to save resources and focus on other important aspects of their business.

Shortly after the recruitment team went live with FastTrack360 Front Office, Accounts Manager, Angel Sentosa, played a key role in the decision to upgrade the business to the flagship end-to-end solution to now include the complete recruit, time, pay and bill process on one platform, and take their business efficiency to the next level.

Going to market

Using MYOB EXO in conjunction with Excel, Angel, along with the General Manager and her team, were seeking change with the sole aim to eliminate manual payroll processes and “minimise the use of spreadsheets.”

“We’d been trying to find alternative back office providers for years. However, they just weren’t convincing enough for us to change. Then we were introduced to someone from FastTrack with regards to payroll and we could see all the advantages that we were going to get. So we finally decided to change.”

“We were also already using the recruitment side of FastTrack360 for job orders, so we thought using FastTrack360 for payroll would allow us to completely automate everything. We wanted to connect everything together by only using the one software.”

MORE: 5 reasons spreadsheets are killing your recruitment business

The change

“Appointed to be the head of the transition from MYOB EXO to FastTrack, I was a part of all the Back Office training with Rob Sonogan, including setting up agreements and rates and rules so we could pay timesheets.”

“At the beginning it was challenging as it was so different to the process that we used to do in the past. We used a lot of manual spreadsheets. Now with FastTrack it’s all automated. Once you’ve set up rules and agreements, it’s very easy, and we don’t use any Excel spreadsheets anymore.”

“Everything runs full cycle. The recruiters find clients and create a job order in FastTrack360 for every job. We get the timesheets from the workers, simply enter the hours, and then pay them. After that, we bill the clients so it’s one full cycle for us. Everything runs smoothly.”

The benefits

FT Workforce have found that FastTrack has helped their business save time, in all aspects of the recruitment lifecycle. FT Workforce is saving almost a day a week. This equates to more than a month yearly, which is a month that can be spent ensuring the future of the business.

“We started the payroll on Monday, because we do the payroll weekly and then finish everything by Thursday, 10:00am. Now with FastTrack, we can save almost a day as the whole process takes a shorter time. Payroll is less stressful as everything’s connected with the job orders we have in the system. Everything now makes sense.”

“There’s also less data entry which minimises human error. It lets us focus on other things. We’re more efficient and effective.”

“Plus, now that we’re using FastTrack, we get less queries from the workers as everything is clear on the payslip. This also helps us with reporting. Before we used to use a lot of excel spreadsheets just to create a report. Now FastTrack has all of the reporting features. We just need to click the one button, and we run the report.”

And when asked if she would recommend FastTrack to other businesses in her network, the answer was immediate.

“Yes, definitely!”

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