Setting clear business goals when selecting software

Article writtent by Luke Mugavin, Business Development and Partner Manager, FastTrack

Choosing recruitment software can be challenging. The range of software available can be overwhelming and it’s hard to know what features you need, how much to spend and which recruitment software is best suited to your organisation and your staff.

As a business, FastTrack has through hundreds of software implementation processes to know that understanding your business’ current position and needs before selecting new software is critical. To help you, here are some questions that should always be top of mind to ensure you don’t lose track of your goals and become overwhelmed with the process. It’ll help keep your decision-making process structured and regimented.

What are the critical processes you need to run your business each day?
These are the day to day things that keep your business functioning – without them, your business fails. It’s important to identify these, so that they will definitely be included in whatever software solution you choose.

Examples of critical processes might include:

  • The ease of advertising on multiple or key job boards to find talent
  • Automatic creation of candidates with their skills from email applications
  • Extensive search for the right candidates that are available for a job already within the database to save on advertising costs
  • Setting up job templates for common jobs to increase speed-to-market
  • Quicker, more accurate timesheet interpretation into payroll, in order to remove burden on your payroll staff and improve cashflow

What does your current software do well that your business can’t live without?

Don’t go backwards when choosing new software. Be careful to only focus on what’s critical, and be as objective as possible.

What problems do you currently face which hurt your teams’ productivity?

Productivity problems are often the reason people look for new software in the first place. Examples include having to manually collect and enter timesheets into your system, migrating recruitment data and interpreting timesheets against complex awards and agreements.

Survey your staff, and ask them where their time is spent and why, to find out what are the shortcomings of your current software.

Who are the key stakeholders you need to consider?

It’s crucial to consider and include in the process those who will be active users of the software. This is a delicate balancing act to ensure you have a clear picture of your business, while not being hamstrung by committees when making your choice. After all, you have to be as objective as possible.

What is your budget?

Understanding your budget means that selecting new software won’t break the bank. It’s important to understand how much you are currently spending to run your business, including software costs. Forecast how much money could be saved by successfully eliminating inefficiencies too – as this may help to free up money for a better investment.


Luke Mugavin - Business Development and Partner Manager

Luke Mugavin

Business Development and Partner Manager, FastTrack

If you’re looking to select a new recruitment software solution, then FastTrack360 is the logical choice. With a team of experts that understand the recruitment industry, and 30 years experience partnering with agencies in Australia and New Zealand, FastTrack360 is an end-to-end recruitment solution that allows you to recruit, interpret time sheets, pay and bill, all from the one platform.

Contact Luke directly via email: or click here to setup a FastTrack demo, to see how we can help your business succeed.

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