Recruiters struggle to communicate corporate brand

The employment brand that a company offers is now being recognised as an increasingly important part of recruitment efforts, but it is also an area which many organisations are struggling with. As the competition for talented workers increases, developing the right approach to recruitment is only going to become more valuable.

This has been explored by recent research from recruitment advisory firm The Corporate Executive Board (CEB) into the state of the global recruitment and talent management challenges that firms are facing.

The study revealed that recruitment is continuing to be an area where companies are finding it difficult to realise the benefits of improved communication methods. In fact, a majority of recruiters (54 per cent) stated they are finding it difficult to communicate a company's employment brand through online career sites.

While this is clearly a challenge that recruiters are concerned about, an earlier CEB study suggests that a company's own communications might be less important than those of other avenues. According to the research, organisational communications have only a fifth the level of influence compared to alternative sources of information.

Clearly, the challenge here for recruiters is to develop an effective company brand across multiple avenues and one that engages with jobseekers.

CEB also revealed some other interesting trends that are shaping the recruitment space. Among them, the study pointed to the importance of productivity solutions for boosting staff performance. In fact, the research suggested that an effective approach to staff productivity might boost their contribution to an organisation by 14 per cent.

Another solution the research proposed was for companies to look at long-term talent development and find the potential for staff members to develop further. Offering these opportunities is essential for firms as they look to retain staff within the business. 

Clearly the competition for talented workers is only going to increase in the coming years. The challenge for companies now is to implement a strategy that can keep staff engaged while also conveying the culture of a business through its recruitment efforts.

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