Networking – a valuable part of the recruitment process

Recruitment is one part of the business landscape that can affect a company for a significant amount of time. That is why it is important to get this process correct.

However, with the advancement of technology and social media, more businesses are keeping in touch with other companies in their sector and getting an insight into their recruitment processes. This can be an excellent way to attract relevant candidates who possess the ideal skill set for the business.

Managing Director of Hays in Australia and New Zealand, Nick Deligiannis, explained that the social media recruitment scene is increasing at a fast pace.

"Most people stop at updating their profile and aligning their activities with the personal brand they want to project," he said.

"But employers often go further and look at the quality of your connections, particularly if you are applying for a role where a relevant network is important."

Businesses could consider looking at websites such as LinkedIn and connecting with potential employees. They may not be in the market for a job, but having them on the radar gives insight into the key skill sets that are required. There is also the possibility to lure these employees to your business by having an online presence.

"It's wise to check their profile and if they do not work in a field or industry associated with yours, ask yourself what you could gain from the connection," Mr Deligiannis stated.

The recruitment process have definitely changed gear in recent years and it is important that businesses keep up to both hire and retain the best talent.

Another way to do this is through recruitment software that can accurately match candidates and track interviews and CVs.

There is a high cost to employing the right person in the wrong position, so having a streamlined process will ensure the perfect candidate is matched to the role.

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