Jobseekers looking for new opportunities in 2015

Companies up and down the country could be reaping the benefits of recruitment software in the New Year, especially as Australians reveal they plans to search for new jobs.

Of the 8,000 part- and full-time workers polled by Roy Morgan Research, 28 per cent said they're thinking about switching organisations within the next 12 months.

A further 23 per cent were undecided, while 49 per cent revealed they are not considering changing to a new employer any time soon.

Michele Levine, CEO of Roy Morgan Research, said the pressure is now growing on businesses to make sure they don't lose out to competitors.

"At a time when companies are looking to downsize, delay or restructure, retaining the right talent within your organisation has never been more important," she stressed.

Ms Levine highlighted that it's the job of recruitment agencies and HR executives to understand what challenges businesses are up against and what needs to be done to overcome them.

As a result, companies need to gain a better understanding of the people who are making hiring decisions to ensure they're working within the best interest of the organisation.

Although the Roy Morgan findings don't consider the reasons why people are looking for new jobs, another recent survey from Accountemps may shed some light on the issue.

The group surveyed chief financial officers, 43 per cent of whom said the number of requests they had received for promotions or pay increases had risen from two years ago.

Bill Driscoll, a district president with Accountemps, encouraged businesses to be prepared for dealing with these requests rather than being caught out when an employee gets in touch.

"Now's the time to proactively connect with key team members to identify advancement opportunities and discuss viable career paths," Mr Driscoll added.

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