Full-time employment rises in Australia

More Australians are working full-time, with employment up across the country, according to figures from Roy Morgan. With these numbers continuing to track upwards, many companies will need to consider investing in recruitment software in order to handle the increase in employee numbers.

Roy Morgan's most recent figures on employment reveal that overall employment numbers are tracking up, increasing by 41,000 compared to the company's figures from February last year. In total, over 11 million Australians are in work.

Leading this growth has been a considerable increase in part-time employment. In fact, full-time employment in Australia has risen by 85,000 new workers over the results from 12 months ago. This more than made up for a decline recorded in part-time positions.

For recruiters, there was further good news, with a substantial number of respondents looking for work. According to Roy Morgan's research, roughly 11 per cent of the Australian population are currently looking for work.

Hiring expectations improving as well

Just as the number of people in full-time employment has grown over recent months, employer hiring expectations are also increasing.

That's the finding from recruitment firm Hudson, which has recently released the findings of its latest hiring expectations for the first quarter of 2015. According to the figures, 18 per cent of hiring managers are now looking to place full-time staff. 

This is the highest figure the study has recorded since 2012, with hiring intentions remaining consistently low over the last few years.

By state, Queensland has the highest hiring intentions, reaching slightly over 20 per cent. Victoria, South Australia and New South Wales all recorded similar results (19.7 per cent in Vic and 19.4 per cent for SA and NSW).

The industries that are seeing the highest levels of optimism are financial services and the legal sector, which both reached 36 per cent. Sales, marketing and communications and ICT both also recorded strong figures, with 23 per cent and 20 per cent respectively.

With such strong growth in the recruitment field, organisations across Australia will need to be sure they have the right tools and equipment to handle this expansion in the workforce.

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