Everyone can become a digital native


Recruitment is an industry focused on people and relies on creating interpersonal connection. When mixed with the increased use of technology as a medium for communication as opposed to face-to-face interaction, it is a strange combination. Those in the business are concerned with finding ways to engage younger workers through technology, but does this limit their reach to the wider market?

If implemented correctly, cloud-based recruitment software can be used to create a digital experience for jobseekers and employees of all kinds, giving everyone the tools to become digital natives in their own right.

Businesses are often focussed on the needs of the younger generation.

A question of nature or nurture

Understandably, many business leaders are focused on appealing to the latest generations of employees and consumers – millennials and Generation Y. These groups, known as digital natives, were born into the digital era, and are assumed to have an affinity with technology that’s difficult for older generations to replicate.

The younger generation is known as being constantly connected with technology, often multitasking and using it more often than their parents. There is a struggle to appeal to the technological demands of digital natives both in the workplace and as consumers without completely disregarding the needs of older generations. But according to Gartner Research Vice President Brian Prentice, this is a limited way of thinking.

“One of the obvious flaws in this concept is the idea that someone’s age exclusively dictates digital technology prowess, when in fact it is significantly shaped by race, class, geography and cultural background,” he said.

With the right support, everyone can utilise software like a digital native.

Leveraging digital nativity

This perspective on IT resources is something that presides on the way businesses interact with their customers as well as their staff. However, Mr Prentice argues that a more effective way to approach it is to embrace a range of solutions to accommodate a diverse audience.

“This is a far more compelling and inclusive way to think about technology than a dichotomous world of digital ‘haves’ and ‘have nots'”, he said. “It is also much more likely that this type of approach will lead to improvements in engagement.”

In the recruitment world, this means giving everyone the opportunity to use systems such as workflow automation, online timesheets, and easy access to portals to streamline processes, and providing the support necessary to implement it well. As a result, it’s not just the younger generations that will be the digital natives – technology will be a tool that is available to all. Whether it’s job candidates looking for a position or consultants screening applications, everyone can harness software and digital technology like those born into it.

For more information about how FastTrack can help you integrate a recruitment solution into your business, contact us today.

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