Boost productivity through a green office

An office which boasts green design features could be the answer to increasing work productivity, according to researchers of a new study.

The World Green Building Council (WorldGBC) is set to conduct work on a new project looking to show how businesses can overcome internal issues around making a green workplace and highlight the positives to businesses.

In the past, the WorldGBC report 'The Business Case for Green Buildings' concluded that there were benefits to working in eco-friendly buildings in terms of employee productivity and health, but more was needed to translate "promising academic research into robust information that can inform business decision-making."

CEO of WorldGBC Jane Henley said the project hopes to increase the investment in green buildings.

"While there is a growing body of research that firmly supports the connections between sustainable buildings and improved health, productivity and learning outcomes of those who occupy them, this evidence is yet to inform investment decisions in the same way as traditional financial metrics," she said.

In the previous report, the WorldGBC found that workers in green offices were less stressed and more productive. Over time, they also took less sick leave and were in better health. 

The report also examined how much certain green changes affected employee productivity. Adjusting the lighting of the room and the light angles were found to improve efficiency by 23 per cent in some businesses. Modifying the air flow in the office also increased productivity by 11 per cent. This was done, for example, by moving unnecessary electrical items like photocopiers and printers away from desks to lower dust pollution.

Companies are encouraged to join the research team by testing some of the changes found to improve health and productivity and reporting back their findings. By the end of the year, more concrete evidence should be available for business leaders to implement changes. 

As well as adding green features to the office, businesses should consider productivity software that can improve employee work rates and overall efficiency. 

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