Are technology issues haunting your recruitment process?


The Australian workforce has become increasingly mobile in recent years, and that trend looks to continue into the future. According to Greythorn’s 2015-2016 Job Seeker Market Report, 61 per cent of workers intend to change jobs within the next 12 months. In total, 90 per cent of the workforce is either actively looking for a new job or is keeping an eye open for potential opportunities.

With such high levels of employee fluidity, companies must be at the forefront of productivity in their recruitment process to ensure that they have access to the best candidates in the market. End-to-end recruitment software can help companies find, attract and hire the top talent without worrying about fumbling through cumbersome conflicting technologies.

A lack of integration leads to trouble

Seventy-five per cent of job seekers planned on using mobile apps to search for a job over the next 12 months.

According to Deloitte’s report Talent acquisition revisited, 58 per cent of companies are either currently updating or considering changing their recruitment process to meet the demands of an increasingly tech-dependent job seeker market. As these companies pursue up-to-date hiring methods, they must make sure that their tech is an asset rather than an embarrassment.

Mobile integration is one of the key facets of any recruitment software. A Glassdoor survey from 2014 showed that 75 per cent of job seekers planned on using mobile apps to search for a job over the next 12 months, while  44 per cent also planned on applying for jobs on a mobile device.

A company that strives to appeal to mobile job seekers must be careful to avoid app errors – the wrong step could limit it to just reaching applicants on iOS devices while cutting out Android users. Cloud-based recruitment software can ensure compatibility is not an issue for applicants.

Clunky tech turns away top talent

Without cutting-edge recruiting software, companies can lose top talent to technical issues.

Even without integration issues, an online job application process can be toxic to a company’s recruitment; the wrong online experience will turn away desirable tech-savvy candidates.

A survey conducted by Kelton Global found that 37 per cent of recruiters were concerned that their hiring process was turning away top candidates, a worry that matches with applicants’ survey responses. Sixty per cent said they would not complete an application if they had technical difficulties, and 23 per cent said they would not apply with that company again in the future.

Given the increasing digitalisation of recruitment and hiring, fully integrated and optimised recruitment software can prepare a company for acquiring talent in a hi-tech future while ensuring that the most qualified job seekers remain engaged with the process.

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