ABS reveals increased technology adoption

Social media technology is gripping Australian businesses, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

In the past couple of years, it has been evident that companies would need to connect to clients and customers in new and innovation ways. Most people utilise social media on an everyday basis, so why shouldn't businesses be any different?

According to the data, more than one in four Australia companies are involved in social media in 2014. This is up from one in five last year.

ABS spokeswoman, Sue-Ellen Luke said businesses are using more than just social media to increase sales and productivity.

"Although the proportion of businesses with a social media presence had the greatest growth since our last survey, most key indicators of business use of information technology have increased," she said.

Ms Luke explained that ABS data revealed close to a a third of Australian businesses received orders via the internet during 2012-13.

"These orders were worth close to $250 billion, which is an increase of almost $10 billion from the year before," she said.

It is interesting to note businesses are recognising that they need to make innovative changes to remain competitive in the market and this could be done by installing productivity software or roi software. In 2012-2013, over four out of ten (42 per cent) of Australian businesses undertook types of innovative activity.

"In line with previous results, large businesses are more than twice as likely to have undertaken some form of innovation – such as introducing new or improved goods or services, or improving operational processes – than small businesses," Ms Luke said.

It will be important for businesses to continue to adapt their customer service in coming years as technology evolves and so do to the demands of client interaction.

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